
CitrusAd’s digital retail media platform available in MarinOne


CitrusAd’s digital retail media platform available in MarinOne

MarinOne integrates with CitrusAd, a leading Retail Media ad network platform providing ecommerce advertisers streamlined access to high-intent audiences with many of the world’s top retailers including:

  • Lowes
  • Shipt
  • Petco
  • And many more

CitrusAd gives brands the power to own premium digital shelf space, increasing sales and brand awareness through their full suite of Retail Media offerings: sponsored products, display media, landing pages, and fixed tenancy for the best placement. CitrusAd leverages first party data to promote relevant products to the right audiences, right at the point of purchase, while they are shopping. 

MarinOne and CitrusAd both pride themselves on giving advertisers the highest level of independent transparency, flexibility, and control over their digital campaigns.

Key Benefits

Through our Managed Services program, Marin Software clients have access to MarinOne's powerful reporting and optimization tools for their CitrusAd campaigns.

The MarinOne platform unifies eCommerce advertising with paid search, display and social campaigns, while simplifying reporting and management of advertising campaigns across channels. Automated insights help advertisers identify opportunities to deliver growth and improve their return on the investment, and sophisticated bidding tools help advertisers plan, pace and optimize their campaigns to hit their targets.

With CitrusAd and MarinOne, brands have a complete growth solution across search, social, display and eCommerce advertising.

Ready to get started with MarinOne and CitrusAd?

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