The State of Shopping Ads: 2016 Cross-Channel Marketing Report

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The State of Shopping Ads: 2016 Cross-Channel Marketing Report


There has been a steady overall increase in shopping ad spend over the past two years, with the bulk of ad spend and click activity happening during the Q4 holiday season.

In this report, we highlight how monthly ad spend by ad type and device compare. Retail advertisers can use this helpful information to seize the shopping moment and prepare for their seasonal campaigns.

Sampling the Marin Global Online Advertising Index, composed of advertisers who invest more than $7 billion in annualized ad spend on the Marin platform, we analyzed data from around the world to create our 2016 Cross-Channel Marketing Report. Download this informative guide to read:

  • Performance benchmark charts for shopping ads on Bing, Google, and Facebook
  • Clicks, spend, and conversion data trends on desktops, smartphones, and tablets
  • Recommendations to maximize revenue during the 2016 holiday season
  • Plus more detailed and actionable analysis

Get your copy of the report today.