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Celebrating the Women at Marin - Meet Marie

March 8, 2021

Marie Boivent started as a customer engagement manager at Marin Software 11 years ago. She's now VP Revenue and managing a team of 50 people across the world.
Tell us a bit more about your experience as a woman in tech at Marin

I don't see myself as a "woman" in tech, I just happened to be a woman in tech. Before joining Marin I worked for an agency who were developing their own tech. I loved being part of a process where your feedback could directly impact the product. I applied for a job at Marin hoping to experience this again, which I did. I see the tech world being well suited for curious individuals who don't like settling into a routine and who expect to solve conflicting challenges day by day. The digital marketing industry is always evolving, new solutions coming into the market every couple of years mean that there's a lot you have to learn on the job no matter what your background is. I was just lucky to discover this world early in my career and to be part of companies that trusted me with new challenges and that gave me opportunities to continue learning, developing and growing.

How does it feel to be the only woman in the room?

Funnily enough, I never paid attention to it until I became the mum of 2 girls. I now feel a level of responsibility to change the status quo and lead by example. Becoming a parent can make you more disciplined and more efficient in your job.

Whether I'm the only woman in the room or not, I always approach meetings in the same way:

  • I make sure I'm prepared,
  • I focus more on the value I can bring to the meeting
  • I focus on the content I need to deliver.

If anything I see it more as an opportunity to stand out than something to be nervous about.

Advice for the future generation

Know your worth, and don't be shy to remind people about it.

Identify what you excel at and what you love doing and build upon it. There's a lot of material out there that can help you with it (The Art of Strengths Coaching by Mike Pegg or the self help book So Good They Can't Ignore You by Cal Newport have been eye opening for me).

Don't worry about what others think of you, worry about where you want to go and what kind of person you want to be.

Be proud of who you are, if being you allows you to stand out more, embrace it. I've always hated talks or webinars that tell you how to do things like a man. Being soft spoken doesn't mean that you cannot make yourself and your ideas heard.

We need more women in leadership roles to inspire other women to aspire to leadership roles. Be these women!

Marie Boivent

Marin Software
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