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The Challenge

Can you make changes directly from your reporting system? Why not?

Spreadsheets and Business Intelligence (BI) platforms are great for flexible reporting and analysis, but isn’t the whole point of analyzing so that you can figure out what needs to be changed? Shouldn’t you be able to take action in the same system you use to analyze your campaigns?

In Marin you can, and we call that Analytics-to-Action.

Centralize your workflow in the grid

The grid is the heart of Marin, where all your data comes together across publishers, accounts, and channels. Our data models align cost and revenue data and leverage your historical data to unlock insights on your campaigns.

Marin’s unique Analytics-to-Action interface provides a natural workflow for the digital marketer, enabling users to make changes within grid pages. This Analytics-to-Action workflow, paired with advanced analytics tools (comparison metrics, custom columns, filters, dimensions, interactive charting), helps marketers better identify opportunities for improvement. You can customize powerful reporting and alerts to identify opportunities or issues for quick resolution – and save any view you create in the grid to your custom Dashboard.

Take action with Multi-edit

Multi-edit puts the “action” in Analytics-to-Action. Ask questions about your data in the grid and determine what levers you want to pull to maximize the performance of your accounts. Then select the items that need a change and use multi-edit to make the change.

Multi-edit allows you to adjust budgets, tag dimensions, set up bidding, change CPCs, and much more. You can quickly and easily make changes across accounts and publishers. The Activity Log records all changes for future reference and auditing.

Of course, you can also make changes via bulk sheet if you need to do additional analysis in a spreadsheet.

Always work on the most recent data

Campaigns move quickly, so working on the latest data is a must. Marin pulls data from the publishers throughout the day, so you always work with the most recent data available. There is no need to log into multiple publishers to see how well that campaign launch is doing.

Understand the ups and downs with change columns

Change columns in Marin display the difference between the selected date range and a comparison date range for a specified metric in absolute or percent terms. Using Change columns, Marin enables change-based alerts based on absolute or percentage changes. 

Ask questions with filters

Filters are a crucial way to ask questions about the data, yet publisher tools are limited. In Marin, you can use filters to narrow down the values displayed in the interface and take action on those objects, including multiple conditions with AND and OR logic. Example include:

  • Numeric Value - Cost, conversions, revenue, clicks, etc. - Track down keywords with a high spend and low conversion rate to identify low performers 
  • Category Filters - Publisher, match type, status - Pull a report for only exact match keywords in Bing
  • Date Filters - Creation date
  • Text Filters -  Account, Campaign, Group, Keyword, Headline, Description, Dimensions, Destination URL, etc.
  • Setting Filters - Campaign Type, Creative Type, etc.
  • Alert Filters - Adgroups with 0 creatives, Adgroups with 0 keywords

Never export your data to a spreadsheet to analyze it ever again

Marin's flexible and agile grid enables users to group data cross campaigns and accounts by many key attributes — so you never need to export and merge data sets ever again. Now you can see how different campaign types are performing across publishers and accounts; how different publishers are performance against your KPIs; or dozens of other ways to analyze the performance of even your most complex account setups.

See the big picture with charts

Marin’s interactive charting makes it easy for marketers to visualize performance-intensive data sets more efficiently for any object or set of objects. View data in line graphs, scatter plots, bubble charts, bar charts, and pie charts. Compare date ranges and show the data daily, weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

You can download graphs or charts in jpeg or pdf to report to clients or management via the download button.

Lookback with History

The History grid displays your data by date. History reports are available at any level (account, campaign, keyword, etc.) and for Marin Dimensions.  Marin displays daily data by default, but you can roll it up by week, month, or quarter to help identify trends.  

Achieve alignment across the team with Saved Views

Saved Views help you control all the reporting options offered in Marin. Many basic views are available to everyone, and you can save custom views with the columns and filters you determine.

By creating Saved Views that you share with your team, you can ensure consistent reporting across team members and accounts. Sharing views saves time and keeps everyone on the same page. Of course, you can also have your personalized views.

Define custom metrics to match your business

Marin's custom columns allow advertisers to add their specific metrics or calculations as new metrics within the platform. Once defined, these custom metrics are available throughout Marin’s reporting and analytics tools.

Custom columns can be based on any metric column available in Marin. Users can leverage the following operators in their formulas: + - * / and group operations using ( ). For example ([Impressions] + [Pub. Cost])  / [Clicks].

Once created, custom columns are immediately available for use within the platform and also support “change” and “% change” metrics. Use custom columns through Marin, including all report types and dimension label roll-ups. There is no limit to the number of custom columns a user can create in a Marin account.

You can also use Custom Columns to rename any metric to align with your preferred naming convention.

See your entire book of business with the All Clients grid

Users with more than one Marin account have access to an ‘All Clients View,’ which allows them to analyze and report on the relative performance of their Marin accounts. The view builder and ad-hoc/recurring reporting options are available from this level. Recurring reports can run across all Marin client accounts or within a pre-defined subset. 

Client tags, similar to Marin Dimensions, segment your client accounts. For example, you label clients by Billing Advice Group, Line of Business, or Region and automatically roll up performance based on these labels. 

Segment reports by device

Marin provides device-type reporting at the account, campaign, ad group, and keyword levels, with data split into desktop, mobile, and tablet.

Tailor alerts to proactively notify marketers of campaign performance by device type. For example, an alert that surfaces campaigns with >100 mobile clicks and 0 conversions would identify campaigns performing poorly on mobile devices. Advertisers could investigate the mobile landing page experience or adjust mobile bid multipliers accordingly.

Rest easy with unlimited data storage

Marin keeps all historical data, making quarter-over-quarter and year-over-year analysis easy. You don’t have to worry about the limited historical data other publishers provide. If you are new to the Marin platform, our team can work with you to upload historical data as part of your onboarding.

Get started putting your analytics to action today

Analytics-to-Action is part of Marin. Talk to your Marin representative to get started today. If you aren’t yet using Marin, what are you waiting for? Sign up for a free trial to learn how Marin’s intelligent analytics and powerful automations can take your paid media to the next level.