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The Challenge
The Challenge

Measuring the Impact of Your Ad Spend is Getting Harder

It’s clear that conversion tracking and attribution is vital to your digital advertising. But challenges abound:

  • Apple tightened its cookie use in Safari and Chrome is following their lead.
  • iOS 14.5 introduces App Tracking Transparency.
  • Data privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and I CO further raise the bar.

Existing solutions – including publisher tools like Google Analytics, or third-party analytics providers – are either costly to implement, require a complex setup, or don’t have a multi-channel view. See our guide on the state of measurement.

Take an Independent Cross-channel Approach

To succeed in this challenging regulatory environment and understand the true behavior leading up to a purchase, you need a configurable solution to track multiple events throughout the funnel.

Marin Attribution is a conversion measurement solution with built-in optimization tools that allow you to understand the stages that matter in your buying cycle. By unifying your campaign data with sales outcomes and machine learning, you can make data-driven marketing decisions and have a holistic view of all revenue impact from digital marketing efforts – including in-store and over-the-phone conversions. 

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Our configurable dashboards make it easy to track users across multiple channels and devices – and gain a unified view of the impact of your paid digital advertising efforts. With Marin, you can save time managing tracking codes and spend more time driving your campaigns with rich insights.

Avoid double AND undercounting with an independent pixel

We marketers are living in strange times where we have to worry about both over and undercounting. Publisher pixels will take credit for every conversion they can, so if you've connected with a user in multiple channels, you’re going to see double counting. And Apple App Tracking Transparency has made it harder for some publishers (especially Meta) to track conversions, resulting in undercounting. Marin Measurement was built to ensure you don't have to worry about either issue.

Marin Attribution has given us unprecedented visibility into the return on our marketing investment across Google, Meta, and Amazon. - Chip Broadmatch, Powpow Sports

Streamline your website with a single pixel across channels

Tag managers have made pixel deployment easier, but as you add or change conversion events that you want to track, you may now have to repeat any changes for each individual publisher pixel. With a single, independent measurement solution, everything is centralized, reducing repetitive work.

Account for all of your orders, regardless of where they happen

Marin Attribution makes it easy to track events that happen after the initial interaction on your website. For retailers, this might include returns or, for many other industries, this is actually the conversion event. 

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Marin Attribution make it easy to connect offline and downstream orders. We have integrations with CRM, CDPs, and call tracking solutions that automatically update the value from each conversion. And with Marin’s Revenue Connect, these downstream conversions are automatically uploaded to the publisher to feed their optimization AIs.

Eliminate errors with automated URL parameters

No more missing tags or managing complicated formulas in spreadsheets. Our URL builder helps save time and avoid errors with automated tagging of URLs across publishers – and it supports publisher macros and encodes for redirects!

Attribute accurately, even with conversion on Amazon

Marin Attribution offers a flexible approach to attribution that lets you customize rules to meet the needs of your business. Credit for a conversion can be shared across publishers and, with Amazon Attribution you can even attribute credit for conversions that happens on Amazon to other channels –including Google and Meta.

Flexible options for a cookieless world

Marin Attribution has always used a first-party cookie so it's not impacted by the blocking of third-party cookies by major browsers. Multiple configurations help maximize measurement while offering compliance with privacy regulations and restrictions.

Make sure your Amazon marketing is getting the credit it deserves

As Amazon Advertising has grown in scale and reach, advertisers have been using multiple channels to drive traffic to their Amazon product pages. These channels include Search publishers like Google and Microsoft, Social publishers like Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat – and even Pinterest and LinkedIn.

For example, many e-commerce brands include “Buy on Amazon” sitelinks in their paid search ads, since Amazon Prime users are more apt to buy on Amazon than a company’s website. But tracking the conversion path from a paid search sitelink to an Amazon purchase is difficult.

With so many potential paths to conversion, how exactly do you link your conversions on Amazon back to the source? Because these publishers are in competition with Amazon, they won't surface conversion data for sales that happen on Amazon – but Marin can. Marin's Amazon Attribution bridges the gap by connecting your data across channels.

Unavailable through any publisher tools, this Marin feature allows you to easily view and report on your Search and Social spend alongside the equivalent conversions on Amazon right in your Marin grid.

Easily get started

Marin's Asynchronous JavaScript "click and conversion capture" code snippets record incoming traffic and conversions from paid search. This code can also be used to show conversion relationships (called "paths") between paid search and other media channels such as affiliate marketing, online display campaigns, and organic search. The asynchronous nature of the code means the pixel is built in the background and won't affect page load speed.

Marin Attribution also unlocks advanced cross-channel functionality because our landing page click tracker captures clicks across channels.

Advanced Capabilities

  • Ensuring your conversion measurement is accurate can be a challenge. We’ve built the Revenue Diagnostics to make troubleshooting a breeze.
  • Server-to-server prevents loss of data due to blocked cookies
  • ITP Impact Summary shows impact from blocked cookies
  • Upload by Order ID simplifies uploading of offline orders using your ID rather than URL parameters
  • Revenue Connect automatically imports downstream conversion events