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the challenge
The Challenge

Do you spend hours building reports every week?

Let’s face it, performance marketing programs can get complex quickly. If you’re following publisher best practices, your campaign structure probably won’t match your reporting needs. And account growth over time only adds to the mess.

Reporting across multiple publishers and accounts can involve significant data wrestling, and aggregating data with pivot tables to summarize performance in a way that is familiar to your business takes time. 

You need a reporting system that is both automated and customizable. 

Dimensions give you the flexibility of spreadsheets without the manual work. They enable users to build an account around paid media best practices while also being able to present the data in a way that makes sense to management. And since the data is cleaned and unified by Marin, there’s no need to do manual cleanup in Excel. Marin automates that process, so your data is tidied up and ready for analysis by the time you log in to the platform in the morning.

Dimensions help users to:

  • Quickly make edits to keywords, creatives, groups, or campaigns based on given Dimension tags
  • Easily view and analyze data within Marin, outside of a publisher’s structure
  • Create reports quickly based on Dimension tags

Categorize your data however you want

Dimensions can be used as ‘categories’ to:

  • Compare campaigns, groups, keywords, and creatives by geography
  • Compare ads for different lines of business
  • Monitor A/B tests
  • Track the performance of ad copy variations
  • And much more… The possibilities are endless!

For example, you may have non-brand and brand terms within the same campaigns and ad groups. This user could create a Dimension called “Brand vs Non-Brand” and then, with just a few clicks, tag all of their Brand keywords as ‘Brand’ and their non-brand keywords as ‘Non-Brand’. Then they could filter or pivot on the ‘Brand vs. Non-Brand’ dimension in Marin to see aggregated data for each unique subset. Here’s what the tagging process looks like:

And we’ve built pivot tables into Marin for ease of use. Pivot up to three dimension labels against each other to analyze performance across categories. In the example below, we’ve pivoted on three dimensions - Brand / Non Brand, Campaign Type, and City:

Make quick and easy edits

Quickly edit groups of keywords, creatives, ad groups, or campaigns by filtering for their Dimension tag. Going back to our ‘Brand vs. Non-Brand’ example, a user could filter for all ‘Brand’ tagged campaigns in the Marin grid and play, pause, or edit them in bulk.

Create dimensions automatically

Marin can automatically keep your campaigns properly tagged based on rules that you provide, including information from the campaign structure, performance data, or a combination of the two. Marin’s AI can also suggest helpful groupings that might have occurred to your team.

Simplify URL tagging

Marin’s URL Builder can reference values stored in Dimensions, taking the capabilities of custom parameters to new heights. URL builder can populate specific URL parameters based on an object’s dimension tag.

Dynamic Actions

Dimensions can also be used to create custom bid modifiers with Dynamic Actions. Dynamic Actions apply a boost to keywords that have been tagged with a specific dimension value. For example, you could identify keywords that drive mostly New Customer conversions and tag those with a Dimension. Then create a Dynamic Action and apply a 20% boost to those keywords.