

LeLynx.fr is a French subsidiary of Confused.com, market leader in the United Kingdom and the first site to launch online insurance price comparison and provides assistance in finding insurance. This help service is simple, clear, free and fast, and transparently presents a wide range of offers on the market. Automobile insurance, motorcycle and scooter insurance, home insurance and health mutuals offered by their insurance partners are thus compared. Well known on the French market in particular thanks to its television advertisements, SEA campaigns also represent a major part of their marketing expenses.

Solve the issue of rising CPCs

LeLynx.fr is paid according to performance, once the insurance has been taken out by the Internet user, it is therefore essential to ensure a maximum incoming volume. The communication budget is unlimited as long as the acquisition cost is within the defined target. Given the inflationary pressure on the cost per click in a context of stagnant requests, bidding optimization is essential to ensure acquisition volumes while respecting the target acquisition cost.There is a clear distinction between exact targeting keywords and broad targeting keywords. It is important to note that only 15 exact keywords generate half of the expenses, and that the SEA campaigns generate a significant part of the income: the optimization of the bids is therefore essential to be able to maintain the volume of acquisition thus respecting the costs. acquisition targets. Lynx.fr has therefore gradually been able to introduce auction automation features to all of these ad groups.The automatic management of auctions has made it possible to unlock the potential of large requests and to gain in volume, to control in real time the costs of acquiring exact requests and to increase its market share. Indeed, the predictive dimension of Marin's algorithm made it possible to optimize all the keywords, including long tail keywords. This transition from a manual system to an automatic solution (collection, forecasts, transparency in the algorithm and personalized KPIs) was done simply and easily.

Improved campaign management

As soon as the Marin solution was set up, Le Lynx.fr was able to benefit from multi-publisher campaign management features, in particular that of cloning campaigns between Google and Bing but also that of two-way synchronization which allows ad management. simplified. The time saved, the team was able to focus on improving other aspects of their campaigns by running more ad and landing page testing, as well as using the reports more often. queries to enrich your list of keywords and exclude the worst performing keywords.

Other features such as automatic URL correction have reduced manual errors when setting up tracking. In general, even if the performance evaluation is delicate, with the effect of seasonality, an improvement of around 15% in the volumes generated has been estimated.