United Kingdom
  • Impressions increased by 41%
  • Clicks increased by 59%
  • Click through rate improved by 13%
  • CPCs dropped by 35%
  • Lead Form conversions increased by 65%


  • Established in 1989, Red Letter Days pioneered the concept of giving unforgettable experiences as gifts. Many of their experiences make everyday life a little bit more special, whereas some are genuinely once in a lifetime.
  • Red Letter Days’ incredible gift experiences are a fantastic way to inspire and reward employees for their hard work and loyalty. That’s why they are trusted by some of the UK’s biggest companies to do just that!
  • Red Letter Days' corporate arm was running a summer campaign aimed at generating form submissions that would turn into corporate events or gifts.
  • With a set budget and high bids, it was challenging for Red Letter Days to generate enough LinkedIn conversions to meet their goals.
  • Red Letter Days enabled Marin Bidding and saw an almost immediate increase in clicks and conversions and a decrease in CPCs, while keeping spend and conversion rate relatively steady.

I’m amazed at the performance lift Marin Bidding was able to deliver. Upon flipping the switch, we saw almost immediate results: more clicks, more conversions, and lower CPCs. We’re thrilled with the results.

Chetna Wagjiani
Marketing Executive, SmartBox UK Ltd.


  • Red Letter Days’ corporate arm focuses on company reward programs. They create bespoke solutions that include everything from incentive and motivational programs to reward and recognition schemes.
  • For their summer campaign, Red Letter Days ran LinkedIn campaigns targeting specific types of roles and job titles in order to generate form submissions with the end goal of creating event opportunities. Their target was to generate as many form submissions with the highest efficiency possible.
  • For the first few days of their summer campaign, Red Letter Days used the recommended bid set by LinkedIn, but a limited budget and high bids were making it difficult to generate enough form submissions to meet their goals. They needed to find a way to generate more form submissions without spending more money.


  • Red Letter Days’s budget was fixed, their bids were high, and the campaigns were running for a set period of time, so they needed to find an alternative bidding solution to make certain they were getting the biggest bang for their buck. They decided to give Marin Bidding a try, in an effort to see if there were efficiencies to be gained by moving away from LinkedIn’s bid recommendations.
  • Upon enabling Marin Bidding, Red Letter Days was able to immediately reduce CPCs in order to generate more clicks and conversions, allowing them to take their fixed budget and stretch it farther.


Using Marin Bidding, Red Letter Days gained efficiencies across-the-board while keeping spend and conversion rate relatively flat.

Using a simple before and after comparison, Red Letter Days saw the following changes upon enabling Marin Bidding:

  • Impressions increased by 41%
  • Clicks increased by 59%
  • Click through rate improved by 13%
  • CPCs dropped by 35%
  • Lead Form conversions increased by 65%