Nanterre, France
  • 400% increase in conversions
  • 40-60% decrease in CPA
  • 220% increase in ROI

About Oxybul

D Group is a leading company in the children’s market. Headquartered in France, the group has a presence in 70 countries with a network of 1117 stores worldwide. ID Group encompasses five brands, including Oxybul éveil et jeux, a popular children’s retailer. Oxybul sells toys, games, books, furniture, and nursery items both in-store and online.

Facing Increased Competition & High Costs

Similar to most retailers, Oxybul relies on strong performance over the holiday season to drive a critical percentage of annual sales. As consumers shop for the perfect holiday gifts, Oxybul is faced with increased competition and high advertising costs, making it difficult to drive sales volume at an appropriate profit margin. They needed a social advertising platform that would allow them to implement granular and cost-effective targeting, and quickly react to shifts in the fast-moving social landscape.

Powerful Targeting, Automation, and Optimization

To advance their cross-channel and sales-driven strategy, Oxybul selected Marin Social as the most effective tool to manage their campaigns on Facebook. After setting up campaign targeting segments split by demographic and interest criteria, they integrated CRM data to increase relevance and reach the users most likely to convert. To further expand their reach, Oxybul then used Facebook Lookalike Audiences through the Marin Social platform, allowing them to reach the top 20% of users by similarity rather than the 10% available through Facebook directly.

Oxybul focused primarily on CPA, ROI, CPC, and CVR objectives. To maximize performance toward their goals, the team set bid management rules to automatically pilot and optimize their campaigns on an ongoing basis. In addition, the Marin Social campaign dashboard provided the team with a real-time view of performance metrics, highlighting the best-performing and high-value segments and ensuring that Oxybul stayed on top of any sudden shifts.

Driving Sales for a Successful Holiday Season

Using Marin Social’s integrated campaign intelligence and management features, the Oxybul team was able to seamlessly track and optimize over 320 campaigns. Automatic optimization rules helped them realize significant time-savings and improve performance across their KPIs. With a highly effective social tool and strategy in place, Oxybul was able to drive a high volume of sales at target CPAs for a successful holiday season. Specific results include:

  • 400% increase in conversions across 320 campaigns
  • 40-60% decrease in CPA
  • 220% increase in ROI from CRM targeting
  • Significant time-savings through automation