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  • 13 million impressions
  • 250,000+ engagements
  • 125,000+ website clicks
  • 10% lift in engagement vs. average campaigns
  • 28% click-through rate

Leading Technology Brand

Marin Software recently partnered with a leading technology brand for a major social advertising program. Selling to businesses and consumers alike, the brand has historically run a combination of awareness and direct response campaigns to advertise their portfolio of products.

Launching a New Product

As part the technology brand’s plan to launch a new device, they wanted to execute a large-scale marketing campaign to introduce the product, spread awareness, and drive sales. The brand had two primary goals: generating exceptional engagement, and sending traffic to their website. However, they didn’t have the in-house resources required to manage such an extensive campaign themselves.

Creative Solution for Engagement & Sales

To start, the technology brand made two important partnership decisions. Lacking the in-house marketing resources necessary to support a major product launch, they decided to use Marin Social’s Managed Services offering, which provides access to a team of social experts who handle ongoing creation, activation, management and optimization for social advertising campaigns. The brand also made a strategic decision to advertise on Twitter. Promoted Video, specifically designed to drive recall, was the ideal format for showcasing the brand’s high-impact creative introducing the product.

The campaigns came together quickly, thanks to Marin Social’s bulk creation and editing features. Contributing to the streamlined workflow was the ability to save high-performing audience clusters for repeated use. Targeting was set to reach a broad yet high-intent audience corresponding with the brand’s core market using interests, keywords, handles, and Tailored Audiences. In addition, the campaigns were extended beyond the scope of Twitter alone and into mobile apps through the Twitter Audience Platform, for even greater impact. Every step of the way, the Marin Social team applied thoughtful optimization solutions and delivered dynamic performance reports so the technology brand could follow the results.

Record Results

By collaborating with Marin Social, the technology brand pulled off a wide-scale and high production value Twitter campaign that would otherwise have been out of reach. The ads generated record levels of engagement, and ultimately resulted in a successful product launch.

Specific results include:

  • 13 million impressions
  • 250,000+ engagements
  • 125,000+ website clicks
  • 10% lift in engagement vs. average campaigns
  • 28% click-through rate